Poke around.

Do some reading.

Stay a while.

In Defense of An Early Bedtime

In Defense of An Early Bedtime

So maybe you like going to bed at 8:00pm, as a treat.

Maybe you use 10 hours of sleep on a weeknight as a tool to manage stress.

Maybe you keep Advil PM on hand for emergencies.

So what if you put your pajamas on as soon as you get home from work?

Maybe the only thing you want to do after a long day is watch Gilmore Girls on Netflix from the comfort of your bed.

Maybe you use chamomile tea and melatonin as a natural remedy to induce an early bedtime coma.

So what if you’re still tired in the morning?

Who cares if people make fun of you for prioritizing adequate sleep?

So what if you get wayyyyyy more than an adequate amount of sleep?

Maybe people call you an old lady.

Maybe you can’t wait to be old so that you no longer have to defend your bedtime.

Get your sleep on, girl. Go to bed.

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How To Count Down To Halloween

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